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  • Vibrating Wire Strain Gauge

Vibrating Wire Strain Gauge

Update Terakhir
21 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Set
Dilihat Sebanyak
60 kali


Menyediakan berbagai sensor dan instrumentasi presisi untuk aplikasi pengukuran dalam bidang sipil, terkait energy, pemeliharaan kesehatan, dan process control industries. Sensor untuk aplikasi di berbagai infrastruktur seperti jembatan, terowongan, waduk/ dam, sistem transportasi air, gedung beresiko tinggi , industrial transformer , jaringan pemipaan atau pada tanker minyak. Sensor kami berbasis teknologi fiber optik untuk menurunkan resiko kerusakan pada berbagai infrastruktur dan lingkungan, penggunaan berlebihan, tear in machinery , and even loss of life. Jakarta - Indonesia. Phone: 021 29563045, 021 29563046, 021 29563047, Hp : 08156141954, 081399291909, 08179217081, Pin BB : 284152F7 instrumentasi-sipil.

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Detail Vibrating Wire Strain Gauge

RST Vibrating Wire Strain Gauges are designed to be welded to or embedded in various structures for monitoring strain. RST vibrating wire strain gauges are available in 3 models: VWSG-A, for arc welding to steel structures; VWSG-S, for spot welding to steel structures; VWSG-E and VWSG-EL, for embedment in concrete.

Each strain gauge consists of two end blocks (designed specifically for each application) with a tensioned steel wire between them. As the steel or concrete surface that encompasses the strain gauge undergoes strain, the end blocks will move relative to each other. The tension in the wire between the blocks will change accordingly, thus altering the resonant frequency of the wire. A vibrating wire readout is utilized to generate voltage pulses in the magnet/coil assembly located at the center of the strain gauge. The magnet/coil assembly plucks the wire and measures the resulting resonant frequency of vibration.

The advantages of vibrating wire strain gauges are that the frequency output is immune to electrical noise, able to tolerate wet wiring common to geotechnical applications, and capable of signal transmission of several kilometers without loss of signal.

The RST VW2106 Vibrating Wire Readout can be used to read the vibrating wire strain gauges.
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