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C108 Pneumatic Readout

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Set
Dilihat Sebanyak
4 kali


Menyediakan berbagai sensor dan instrumentasi presisi untuk aplikasi pengukuran dalam bidang sipil, terkait energy, pemeliharaan kesehatan, dan process control industries. Sensor untuk aplikasi di berbagai infrastruktur seperti jembatan, terowongan, waduk/ dam, sistem transportasi air, gedung beresiko tinggi , industrial transformer , jaringan pemipaan atau pada tanker minyak. Sensor kami berbasis teknologi fiber optik untuk menurunkan resiko kerusakan pada berbagai infrastruktur dan lingkungan, penggunaan berlebihan, tear in machinery , and even loss of life. Jakarta - Indonesia. Phone: 021 29563045, 021 29563046, 021 29563047, Hp : 08156141954, 081399291909, 08179217081, Pin BB : 284152F7 instrumentasi-sipil.

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Detail C108 Pneumatic Readout

The C108 Digital Pneumatic Readout is the ideal solution for monitoring all pneumatic transducers, including Total Earth Pressure Cells.

The C108 stores up to 170 instrument locations per route, each with a convenient text label and up to 20 time/date stamped data points. User-specified location names and previous data greatly assist the operator in data collection and analysis. Data is transferred to a host computer via RS232 and the file format is compatible with Excel® and other spreadsheets.

A sealed weatherproof case and electronic componenents allows for the most accurate recordings in even the harshest of conditions.

Pneumatics are especially suited for projects where manual readings are required and are excellent for projects where a lightning immune backup to electrical sensors is needed.

Pneumatic sensors also have extreme overpressure endurance which makes them highly suited to driven pile tip load cell and explosive compaction piezometer applications.

The C108 Digital Pneumatic Readout ships with C108 Host Software for Windows®.
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