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In-Place Tilt Meter

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Buah
Dilihat Sebanyak
3 kali


Menyediakan berbagai sensor dan instrumentasi presisi untuk aplikasi pengukuran dalam bidang sipil, terkait energy, pemeliharaan kesehatan, dan process control industries. Sensor untuk aplikasi di berbagai infrastruktur seperti jembatan, terowongan, waduk/ dam, sistem transportasi air, gedung beresiko tinggi , industrial transformer , jaringan pemipaan atau pada tanker minyak. Sensor kami berbasis teknologi fiber optik untuk menurunkan resiko kerusakan pada berbagai infrastruktur dan lingkungan, penggunaan berlebihan, tear in machinery , and even loss of life. Jakarta - Indonesia. Phone: 021 29563045, 021 29563046, 021 29563047, Hp : 08156141954, 081399291909, 08179217081, Pin BB : 284152F7 instrumentasi-sipil.

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Detail In-Place Tilt Meter

RST’s MEMS In-Place Tilt Meters measure tilt in either one or two axial planes perpendicular to the surface of the base plate. The unit is intended to be permanently installed to provide long term observation with maximum resolution and sensitivity, and is conveniently designed for manual monitoring or remote data acquisition.

MEMS systems consist of a tiltmeter mounting plate, interconnecting cable, and data logger or readoutinstrument. The tiltmeter may either be uniaxial or biaxial and is available in both horizontal and vertical versions. The electronics are housed in a NEMA 4X (IP-65) enclosure for environmental protection, and is typically bolted or bonded to the structure. For maximum resistance against water ingress, the cable is typically hard wired to the enclosure; however connectors may be provided if required. The interconnecting cable is suitable for direct burial, and is available in an armoured version to suit demanding site conditions.

A variety of signal outputs are available: analog (+/-5 V, loop-powered 6-20 mA), digital and digital bus allowing several tiltmeters to be daisy-chained on a single cable up to 1200 meters in length.
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