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LP100 Linear Potentiometer Readout

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Set
Dilihat Sebanyak
9 kali


Menyediakan berbagai sensor dan instrumentasi presisi untuk aplikasi pengukuran dalam bidang sipil, terkait energy, pemeliharaan kesehatan, dan process control industries. Sensor untuk aplikasi di berbagai infrastruktur seperti jembatan, terowongan, waduk/ dam, sistem transportasi air, gedung beresiko tinggi , industrial transformer , jaringan pemipaan atau pada tanker minyak. Sensor kami berbasis teknologi fiber optik untuk menurunkan resiko kerusakan pada berbagai infrastruktur dan lingkungan, penggunaan berlebihan, tear in machinery , and even loss of life. Jakarta - Indonesia. Phone: 021 29563045, 021 29563046, 021 29563047, Hp : 08156141954, 081399291909, 08179217081, Pin BB : 284152F7 instrumentasi-sipil.

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Detail LP100 Linear Potentiometer Readout

The RST LP100 Readout Instrument is a dedicated intelligent measuring system specially designed for reading, displaying, and logging linear potentiometers. Unprecedented accuracy, flexible memory options and ease of use make the LP100 Potentiometer Readout invaluable for projects requiring monitoring of linear potentiometers.

It’s lightweight, yet extremely rugged design is perfectly suited for harsh environmental conditions often encountered in the field. The LP100 is extremely easy to use with a USB interface for downloading data. The LP100 Readout has the ability to be either pre-configured in the office (through host software), or taken directly to the field. If taken directly to the field, each location will be assigned a generic name which is editable once back in the office and connected to a host computer.

The LP100 is also designed for maximum efficiency with the user in mind. In addition to the simple power requirements of only 3 “AA” batteries, the LP100 comes well-equipped with standard features such as a large graphics display with backlight. Standard AA alkaline batteries are field replaceable, negating the need to return the readout to the factory for battery replacement. The use of standard AA batteries eliminates the need for a charger.
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